When: October 3, 2011
Where: Brave New Workshop
Reception and Silent Auction begin at 6:00
Comedy Show: 7:30
Headliner: Colleen Kruse
Colleen Kruse will headline the 15th Annual Cancer Kids Fund Comedy Showcase on Monday, October 3 at The Brave New Workshop in Minneapolis. The silent auction starts at 6:00, with the comedy show following at 7:30.
Kruse, a popular Twin Cities stand-up comic, is currently the co-host of “Colleen and Reuvers” on the MyTalk radio station (107.1). After appearing in the lineup for the first two Cancer Kids Fund Comedy showcases, she is making her first appearance as the event’s headliner.
This wonderful event is celebrating its 15th year. Produced and founded by MCTC faculty member Craig Hergert, the event is a fun evening of comedy and music. A silent auction is also part of the event. All proceeds go to benefit the Cancer Kids Fund at Children's Hospitals. For more information, go to their website at kidscomedyshowcase.org.