Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Carlson School of Management Flash Mob, Deck the Halls

Cool piece from my alma mater.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Let Music Fill the Air!

The opening piece from Minnesota Chorale's Bridges concert this past November. Just a taste of this event.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Remembering Tom Keith

I know that I am not the only one for whom Tom Keith was a hero. Among the many tributes that have come out over the past few weeks, this episode of MPR's Midday is particularly special.

Unfolding Language, Unfolding Life

As a singer, I have developed a love of both language and linguistics over the years. I thought this episode of Krista Tippett's On Being (broadcast the weekend of November 5-6 was really interesting. On this episode Tippett interviews Jean Berko Gleason, a pioneer in Linguistics and Professor Emerita of Psychology at Boston University. Here is the link to the program: You can listen online or download to your portable music device. Highly recommended.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Tom Keith | State of the Arts | Minnesota Public Radio

Tom Keith was one of my all-time heroes. You will be greatly missed.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Steve Jobs 1955-2011

Steve Jobs 1955-2011

Follow this link to listen to Steve Jobs commencement address to Stanford University students in 2005. I find it inspiring.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Cancer Kids 15th Annual Comedy Showcase

What: Cancer Kids Fund Comedy Showcase
When: October 3, 2011
Where: Brave New Workshop
Reception and Silent Auction begin at 6:00
Comedy Show: 7:30

Headliner: Colleen Kruse 

Colleen Kruse will headline the 15th Annual Cancer Kids Fund Comedy Showcase on Monday, October 3 at The Brave New Workshop in Minneapolis. The silent auction starts at 6:00, with the comedy show following at 7:30.

Kruse, a popular Twin Cities stand-up comic, is currently the co-host of “Colleen and Reuvers” on the MyTalk radio station (107.1). After appearing in the lineup for the first two Cancer Kids Fund Comedy showcases, she is making her first appearance as the event’s headliner.

This wonderful event is celebrating its 15th year. Produced and founded by MCTC faculty member Craig Hergert, the event is a fun evening of comedy and music.  A silent auction is also part of the event. All proceeds go to benefit the Cancer Kids Fund at Children's Hospitals. For more information, go to their website at

Friday, September 16, 2011

Minnesota State Sacred Harp Singing Convention

1990 ~ Twenty-Second Annual Minnesota State ~ 2011
Sacred Harp Singing Convention

Town Hall, The Landing, Shakopee
9:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. both days

~ TUNEBOOKS will be available on loan, or you may purchase a book for $20.00 ~
~ POTLUCK DINNER ON THE GROUNDS provided by local host singers both days ~ ~ CHILD CARE will be available ~

THE SACRED HARP continues a 200 year old American tradition
of singing non-denominational hymns and songs written with shaped note heads. Singers sit in a hollow square facing the center and sing four parts, a cappella, with uninhibited vigor.
is located at 2187 Highway 101, one mile east of Shakopee; enter at the far west gate, not the main gate.

~ MORE INFORMATION is available at

2nd Sundays: St. Sahag Armenian Church, 203 N. Howell St., Saint Paul, 5-7 p.m.
4th Sundays: University Baptist Church, 1219 University Ave. S.E., Minneapolis, 5-7 p.m. Tuesdays: University Baptist Church, 1219 University Ave. S.E., Minneapolis, 5:30-7:30 p.m.
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Saturday, August 20, 2011

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Send Hope to Japan Benefit Concert

Send Hope to Japan Benefit Concert Click on the link to get more information about this wonderful event.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Eric Whitacre: A virtual choir 2,000 voices strong | Video on

Composer Eric Whitacre describes how he went from pop star aspirations to choral composer extraordinaire and documents his experimentations with Virtual Choirs in this wonderful TED talk.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Winter Blues? How about a little singing to chase them away?

Join music faculty members Liz Pauly and Sarah Greer and the MCTC Choirs for a session designed to help chase away the winter blues. By the time you leave this session you will have learned several fun songs made to be sung in community, participated in group improvisations, and learned some breathing, posture and stretching exercises to help calm and relax your winter-weary body. 

Singing for Stress Relief
Time: 10:30-12:00
Location: F2700
Date: February 24, 2011 - Student Success Day

This event is presented as part of Student Success Day on the Minneapolis Community and Technical College campus. 

Saturday, February 5, 2011

MCTC PRIDE presents MCTC's very first drag show in the Plaza Cafeteria Feb 11

PRIDE is excited to present MCTC's very first drag show in the Plaza Cafeteria on Friday, February 11! The performance starts at 6, with a Q&A panel at 8 p.m.

Monday, January 17, 2011

VocalEssence Community Sing with Dr. Andre Thomas

Sun, Feb 27, 2011 at 3:00 PM

Fellowship Missionary Baptist Church
3355 North 4th Street
Minneapolis 55412

Sing with distinguished composer, educator, and conductor André Thomas as he leads an evening of African American spirituals, including "Keep Your Lamps," "Walk In The Light," and "If You’re Happy/Amen." Open to singers and non-singers, this community event is free, but advance registration is required.To reserve tickets, phone 612-547-1456.

This will be a truly wonderful event. Dr. Thomas is a charismatic and gifted conductor with deep knowledge of the music. For more information about André Thomas, check the VocalEssence website at
This event is presented by VocalEssence and Augsburg College, in partnership with Fellowship Missionary Baptist Church.

Mozart Choral Broadcast

The Minnesota Orchestra and Minnesota Chorale teamed up last weekend to perform an all Mozart concert, featuring five choral motets, four of which are seldom performed. If you missed this performance, word on the street has it that it will be broadcast on MPR this coming Friday evening, January 21 at 8:00. For more information on the concert, check the Minnesota Orchestra website at To hear the concert broadcast, check on

Thursday, January 13, 2011

VocalEssence Presents: Community Sing with Gerardo Rabago

Community Sing with Gerardo Rábago

Incarnation Church/Sagrado Corazón de Jesús
3817 Pleasant Avenue South, Minneapolis 

Sing with internationally renowned Mexican conductor Gerardo Rábago as he leads an afternoon of Mexican folk songs.  An incredibly engaging teacher and talented conductor, Mr. Rábago is certain to lead an enriching and enjoyable session of singing, learning and camaraderie. Open to singers and non-singers, this community event is free, but advance registration is required.

This event is presented by the VocalEssence in partnership with Incarnation Church/SagradoCorazón de Jesús.  Participants can also save $5 on tickets to the VocalEssence “Song of the Stars” performance conducted by Gerardo Rábago on Friday, January 28 at Central Lutheran Church in Minneapolis.

For more information, or to register, check the VocalEssence website,